
To be merely
A small stroke
From a brush,
A paint drip,
Or even a tiny
Unplanned smudge,
On a primed canvas,
Or on a canvas
Still rough,
Might just be too much
If it allows you
To become a part of
An artistic moment;
Disguised, yet,
Recognizable as such.


AI generated featured image by Microsoft Designer

7 thoughts on “Humbled

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  1. This reminds me of all the times in the past when I’ve tried so hard to fit in somewhere, somehow, but always failed. I wasn’t adept enough at blending in, so I was always rejected like the errant paint drip or random smudge on that canvas. Your imagery is impeccable, Aaysid, and I really like how you create such deep worlds in so few words. Fascinating and sublime. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know this feeling. I would feel over the moon if I were included, even in a minimal capacity, in something that I had been just looking at from the sidelines. Now, I just keep hoping not to be included in anything and let myself happily be on the sidelines. 😁 I truly appreciate you taking the time to engage meaningfully with my posts. Thank
      you so much, Mike. 🙏😊

      Liked by 1 person

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